DOI: Kunci:
Perbaiki, Bengkok, PengkhotbahAbstrak
After the end of the “New Order” period, many peoples, especially politicians and historians throughout Indonesia and The Land of Papua were busy talking about “Straightening up History”. The answers to many questions about moral value way of history (trajectory), the author uses exposition approach of Ecclesiastes 7:13 “Pay attention to GOD works! Who could rectify, What HE has bent?” The text tells us about The GOD who could rectify or bent a value of life or human history.
Finally, lean on GOD, The LORD of human history and Papua. It is much better and wise. Do not fight The Will of GOD. If GOD wants to rectify the history of Papua, what has been by humans, no one could fight The GOD Will. Do not force The Will of GOD to fulfil our desires. But do our works and our duties with full obedience of GOD, while waiting for GOD’s day.
Borg, M. J. (2003). Kali Pertama Jumpa Yesus Kembali: Yesus Sejarah dan Hakikat Iman Kristen Masa Kini. Translazed by Ioanes Rakhmat, edisi ke-3. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia.
Meno, Soebagjo. (1994). Hormat Kepada TUHAN Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Kebijaksanaan Israel Kuno. Salatiga: Satya Wacana University Press & Jakarta: Penerbit PT Grasindo.
Notulen Synode Umum GKI di Nederland Nieuw-Guinea 18 s/d 29 Oktober 1956. (1956). Hollandia Binnen: Synode Umum GKI di Nederland Nieuw-Guinea.
Wawancara dengan Pdt. Dr. K.Ph. Erari, M.Th di tahun 1983, oleh M.Th. Mawene.
Wawancara dengan Pdt. L. Jenbise, M.Th di tahun 1989, oleh M.Th. Mawene.
Wawancara dengan Pdt. L. Jenbise, M.Th di tahun 1990, oleh Pdt. M.Th. Mawene.
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- Marthinus Mawene, MELURUSKAN YANG TELAH DIBENGKOKKAN OLEH ALLAH? , MURAI: Jurnal Papua Teologi Konstekstual : Vol 1 No 1 Juli (2020): Jurnal Murai : Papua Teologi Kontekstual